Introduction: What is Multiple Myeloma?

Multiple myeloma is a type of blood cancer affecting the plasma cells. These cells produce antibodies called immunoglobulins, forming an integral part of the body’s immune system. When there are abnormal changes (mutations) in the DNA of the plasma cells, they begin to grow and multiply uncontrollably, resulting in multiple myeloma


Unlike several other cancers, multiple myeloma does not form a growth or lump. Instead, a build-up of plasma cells occurs in the bone marrow. This blood cancer usually affects bones in the arms and legs that are more active. 


Multiple myeloma is relatively common in the UK, with a strong predisposition for older people and men. This cancer rarely shows any signs and symptoms in the early stages. 


Some common symptoms that may appear as cancer progresses include:

  • Bone pain, especially in the back, hips, ribs or shoulders
  • Increased risk of fractures
  • Tiredness
  • Fatigue
  • Increased risk of chronic infections
  • Malaise
  • Loss of appetite

How Is Multiple Myeloma Treated?

If your doctor suspects multiple myeloma based on your signs and symptoms, they will prescribe a few diagnostic tests. If a diagnosis of multiple myeloma has been confirmed, the treatment is usually planned by a multidisciplinary team of specialists.

If your multiple myeloma causes no signs and symptoms and has been diagnosed accidentally, you may need regular blood tests and monitoring. If your myeloma is active and causes symptoms, standard treatment options include a combination of:


Chemotherapy uses potent cytotoxic drugs to damage or destroys cancer cells. You may require a combination of two or more drugs. Though chemotherapy is given as an outpatient procedure, you may need a hospital stay.



  • Steroids

Steroids are drugs that help destroy myeloma cells and allow other treatments to work better. Prednisolone and dexamethasone are the most commonly used steroids in multiple myeloma treatment.   


  • Targeted cancer therapy

This therapy uses anti-cancer drugs that target myeloma cells and interfere with their growth and multiplication. This therapy is usually given with immunotherapy, and the most commonly used drugs include thalidomide or bortezomib. Targeted therapy may be combined with chemotherapy or steroids in myeloma treatment.


Most people with multiple myeloma are treated on an outpatient basis unless hospitalisation is needed. Apart from the treatments mentioned above, you may require antibiotics, anti-nausea or sickness medicine, medicines to manage digestive issues and blood thinners.


Few treatments that may be recommended for symptomatic control and relief are:

  • Radiation therapy to relieve pain due to myeloma
  • Surgery for prevention and management of fractures
  • Plasma exchange to lower protein levels in the blood
  • Blood transfusion


How Can Klarity Oncology Help?

Feeling worried and anxious about several aspects of cancer care is natural. From doctor appointments to second opinions and medications, keeping track of your health can be tedious. Klarity Oncology’s dedicated cancer care team is here for you. 


We help connect you with private oncologists near you and seek priority second opinion via face-to-face or video consultations. We understand the urgency of cancer care. Connect with us today for tailor-made, personalised cancer treatments.

Multiple Myeloma Treatment Cost in the UK

The cost of multiple myeloma treatment in the UK depends upon several factors, including the type of hospital or cancer care centre you choose. The cost of treating advanced-stage and recurrent or relapsed multiple myeloma is higher than those of early-stage multiple myeloma. Your doctor and multidisciplinary healthcare team will discuss your treatment costs earlier on. 

How is Multiple Myeloma Treatment Cost Calculated?

Multiple myeloma treatment cost is calculated after evaluating various treatment-related factors, including:

  • Type and stage of your myeloma at the time of diagnosis
  • Pre-existing health conditions
  • Treatment plan and options
  • Medications
  • Hospital stay charges
  • Outpatient procedure charges
  • Participation in clinical trials
  • Travel expenses
  • Doctor visits
  • Diagnostic tests


The treatment costs provided to you are an estimate. The cost may increase if you require additional therapies or procedures. Check your insurance provider if your treatment costs are covered in your policy. It is recommended to keep additional money handy for your multiple myeloma treatment. 

Talk to Us

Most people diagnosed with multiple myeloma require support from booking appointments to keeping track of follow-ups and treatment progress and a lot more. At Klarity Oncology, we help simplify cancer care with advanced tech-enabled solutions. Need help with your multiple myeloma diagnosis and treatment? Connect with us today!




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