Introduction: What is Uterine Cancer?

When cells in the uterus turn cancerous, it results in uterine or womb cancer. The severity of uterine cancer depends upon its size, location, extent of spread and overall health of the individual. 


Uterine cancer is relatively common in the UK, with around 9500 women diagnosed yearly. This condition is rare in women below 40, and the risk increases in women over 55. Uterine cancers can be of different types based on the cells affected, but most uterine cancers begin in the endometrium or the innermost lining of the uterus.


The primary symptoms of uterine cancer are:

  • Bleeding or spotting from the vagina post-menopause
  • Heavy than usual periods
  • Bleeding from the vagina between periods
  • Change in the vaginal discharge
  • Pain in the lower back region
  • Pain during sexual intercourse

How Is Uterine Cancer Treated?

If your doctor suspects uterine cancer based on your signs and symptoms, they may recommend you to undergo diagnostic tests. If confirmed, uterine cancer is treated by a multidisciplinary team of specialists led by a gynaecological oncologist. 


Uterine cancers are treatable when diagnosed early. Standard treatment options for uterine cancer are:

  • Surgery

Most women with uterine cancer undergo surgery for the condition. It is the first line of treatment when uterine cancer is detected early. The type and extent of your surgery will depend upon the stage and grade of your cancer. Recovery from surgery for uterine cancer may take longer. If uterine cancer has spread to other parts of the body, you may require a combination of surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy.


  • Radiation therapy

This treatment uses intense radiation to kill cancer cells and stops their growth. Radiation therapy for uterine cancer is recommended:

  • As the primary treatment when surgery is not possible
  • For cancer that has spread outside the uterus or is too large
  • Post-surgery, along with chemotherapy, to kill any remaining cancer cells and prevent a recurrence


  • Chemotherapy

Chemotherapy is one of the standard treatment options for uterine cancers. It may be recommended in the following scenarios:


  • With radiotherapy (called chemoradiation) as the primary treatment for uterine cancer in people who cannot have surgery
  • After surgery to prevent cancer from coming back
  • To slow down cancer growth and prevent its further spread in the body
  • To relieve symptoms in women with advanced stages of uterine cancer and prolong life


  • Hormone therapy

If your uterine cancer tests positive for the presence of hormone receptors, it is most likely growing in response to the hormones. So, hormone therapy is used in these uterine cancer cases and is suitable for women unable to undergo surgery or chemotherapy.


How Can Klarity Oncology Help?

At Klarity Oncology, we support patients throughout their cancer journey. From finding the right oncologist, helping access priority second opinions and helping you get treated at the best cancer care centres in the UK, we are with you all the way. We are constantly working to deliver high-quality care through technology-enabled solutions to our patients across the globe. With Klarity Oncology, you are never alone in your uterine cancer journey!


Uterine Cancer Treatment Cost in the UK

The cost of treating uterine cancer in the UK is more affordable than several other rare cancers. However, there may be a variation in treatment costs in private and public healthcare facilities. The treatment cost is also more affordable for women with health insurance than those paying out-of-pocket. Uterine treatment cost is higher for women with advanced and metastatic stages of the condition. If uterine cancer recurs, the treatment costs rise further. 


Your doctor and healthcare team will discuss your treatment costs before beginning. Feel free to share your concerns with your doctor regarding your uterine cancer treatment.

How is Uterine Cancer Treatment Cost Calculated?

The cost of your uterine cancer treatment depends upon factors like the type and stage of your cancer, its grade, the extent of spread, and overall health. Your doctor and healthcare team will assess your diagnostic tests and consider your opinion before creating a treatment plan. 


Other factors that influence the cost of your uterine cancer treatment are:

  • Treatment options suggested
  • Hospital stay duration
  • Outpatient procedure costs (for radiotherapy and chemotherapy sessions)
  • Medications
  • Monitoring and follow-ups
  • Management of side effects (if any)
  • Management and treatment of existing comorbidities
  • Clinical trial participation
  • Palliative treatment 


Talk to Us

If you need help with any aspect of your uterine cancer journey, Klarity Oncology has got you! Talk to us today!




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