Skin Cancer Screening
SkinScreen is an In Clinic full body skin check to identify moles and lesions of concern.
- No need for a GP visit
- Full clinical advice, support and referral
- Delivered at skin clinics near you
- Accurate results within 5 days
- Includes personalised screening programme
Why Skin Cancer Screening is necessary?
Klarity’s cancer screening services are clinically governed by age restrictions, if you are not within the age range for a service you will not be able to sign up to that service. This is because clinical research does not support the benefits of screening people outside our specified age eligibilities. Regardless of age, if you have symptoms then you should always seek medical advice from your GP.
Why should I get checked for skin cancer?
Skin Cancer is the most common form of cancer in the UK with cases of malignant melanoma more than trebling over the 25 years and account for more deaths in the UK from skin cancer than in Australia. It’s important to remember that the sun can cause damage to skin cells even in cloudy weather and that anyone can get a sunburn or develop skin cancer. Although people with naturally dark or brown skin burn less easily and have a lower risk of skin cancer, it’s low risk, not no risk and they should still be thinking about sun safety when the sun is strong.
Skin Screening Clinic Checks?
Klarity offers full body skin cancer screening through a nationwide network of clinics and consulting rooms. Each screen is carried out by a qualified skin cancer nurse who, using the latest dermatological technology, will report on moles and lesions of concern. The report will include high resolution images providing details of any changes in shape, colour, border definition and irritability.
How does it work?
Your appointment will usually take 30 minutes with a skin cancer specialist nurse who will conduct a full body skin examination. Any moles or suspicious areas of skin will be examined by the nurse who will then, if concerned, review those areas with a dermatascope. A dermatascope is a hand held device that can magnify the area of skin by up to 10 times. Lubricant would usually be applied to the area allowing the nurse to carry out the examination very closely.